
Hi everbody, my name is Chong Fei Hsui and my nickname is Emerald. I am 21 years old. I am studying in University Tunku Abdul Rahman now, majoring in Accounting. The reason why i choose accounting is because i like to do practical like mathematics, account, and so fourth. But when I first day come to UTAR, I realize that there are many theory subjects i need to study and learn like Business Law, Company Law, E-commerce, Human resources and others. I come from Kuala Lumpur, a modern city in Malaysia. I like to read novels and magazines. I also enjoy shopping. sometime I will play some games and listen to my favourite songs to release tension. Many boys keep asking me why I so like to play online game. Actually I don’t know how to answer it and I just know that I really enjoy the online game. XD

Internet is the computer based global information system. It composes of many interconnected networks. I like it because it can give me lots of information and easy contact with other people also.

These are the top 5 websites that I visited the most:

http://www.facebook.com/- I am an active user here. This website enables me to keep in touch with all my friends, especially those that I don't get to meet that often. I also can know other people which come from overseas. I like to explore and play with the various type of applications here like restaurant city and sorority life.

2) http://my.msn.com/ - This website enables me to chat with my friends. I just need to download the Window Life Messenger (MSN) only.

3) http://my.google.com/ - As we know Google is the best search engine so I rely extensively on this website for all kinds of online research and services. In this website, I can search any information that I need to know and use, which help many in my assignment.

4) http://www.hotmail.com/ - This website enable me to check my mail. Sometime I found out some interesting and amazing forward email, I will check it out and send to all my friends.

5) http://www.utar.edu.my/- UTAR intranet has provided me another alternative to download past year question, lecture note and get information of any updated announcement. As a UTAR student, it is a necessity for us to go to this website.


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