Corporate blogging

Corporate blogging is a new market communication tool for companies. It helps the organization to reach their goal. The advantage of blogs is that posts and comments are easy to reach and follow due to centralized hosting and generally structured conversation threads. There are two kind of corporate blog which is internal and external blog.

An internal blog is a weblog which enable employee to view. Generally it accessed through the corporation's Intranet while an external blog is a publicly available weblog where company employees, teams, or spokespersons share their views. It is often used to announce new products and services, to explain and clarify policies, or to react on public criticism on certain issues. It also allows a window to the company culture and is often treated more informally than traditional press releases, though a corporate blog often tries to accomplish similar goals as press releases do.

From a business perspective there are several potential reason to blog. The kind you can expert from blogs is mainly about stronger relations with important target groups.

Become the Expert
Position yourself and your company as the thought leader of your business.

Customer Relationships
In a forum where your main objective not is to sell, you'll have a more personal relationship between you and your customers. Blogs are a fast way to join the customers' discussions, provide tips and insights or receive feedback.

Media Relations
It's every PR-consultants dream to create a channel where media regularly check what you have to say, instead of media just being passive - sometimes indifferent - recipients of press releases.

Internal Collaboration
Use blogs as a workspace where project members keep each other updated without wasting time writing reports or searching the Outlook inbox.

Knowledge Management
Blogs works in two ways. First of all, they're an easy way for the readers to find information and resources they want or need. That's obvious and could be used internally in many organizations. Second, blogs are a kind of "university light" for the blogger. Blogging is on-the-job learning.

If you establish your company as a thought leader, people in your business will pay attention. They'll read and discuss what you have to say. Chances are good they will see you as an attractive employer.

Test ideas or products
A blog is informal. It's part of a conversation where people (often) can comment, and the blog can provide you with a measure of value. Publish an idea and see if it generates interest. Does anyone link to you? What do they say?

Rank high in search engines
Well, this has nothing to do with relations. But Google and other search engines rewards sites that are updated often, that link to other sites and most importantly, that has many inbound links. Start a blog at your regular site and your ranking will boost.

However, there is also disadvantage of using blogging. Sometime customers are not trust the corporate blogging. If company fail to do so, they gain no more advantages. The statistic below show that how much the customer trust to the information sources. The corporate blogging is the lowest which is 16 %.

sorces from Read Write Web

There is some sucessful example of corporate blogging like Coca-Cola, Dell, Intel, Nokia and so fourth. They have implement their blog sucessful and build up a strong relationship with customers.

Related Links:
(1) Report of corporate blog not trust.

(2) Top 15 corporate blog (may 2008)

E-Government in Malaysia: Its implementation so far and citizen's adoption strategies

e-Government :

In year 1997, the Malaysian Government launched the Electronic Government initiative, generally known as e-Government, to reinvent itself to lead the country into the Information Age. As far as Malaysia is concerned, the implementation of e- government was initiated with the introduction of the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) in year 1996.The implementation of e-Government in Malaysia heralds the beginning of a journey of reinventing the government by transforming the way it operates, modernising and enhancing its service delivery.

One of the e-government applications is called e-government flagship. Under e-government flagship, there is a series of applications such as :

  • Generic Office Environment (GOE)
  • Electronic Procurement (eP) project
  • Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS)
  • Project Monitoring System (PMS)
  • Electronic Services Directory (e-Services)
  • Electronic Labor Exchange
  • Internal Revenue Department (IRD)
  • E-Syariah

Mycard is also one of the products that have been provided by the government to enhance the services to the customers. It provides several applications for example national ID, driving license, passport information, health information, Touch N Go and MBPS cash.

Another type of e-government applications is agency-led projects. Some of the examples of agency-led projects are E-Tanah, E-courts, E-perolehan and others.

Problems encountered by consumer :

  • Lack of awareness - Malaysian users are not aware the applications offered.
  • Language barrier - Most of the government websites are using Bahasa Malaysia.
  • Online behaviour - Some of the consumers are seldom make the transaction online. They probably pay the bill to the office of the relevant company.

Citizen's adoption strategies :
Customer satisfaction
e-Government adoption requires that citizens show higher levels of satisfactoin with the online service provided by the government. A higher level of customer satisfaction will increase the rate of e-Goverment adoption.

Website design
Personalization of websites, customization of product offerings, and self-care are the three key features that could be used not only to build relationship with the visitors, but also to enhance their experience.

Customer satisfaction
A high level of customer satisfaction will enhance the adoption of e-government. Thus, features in those websites play an important role in order to satisfy customers wants.

Related links :


E-learning offered in Malaysia universities

Web based learning has been implemented widely in colleges and universities nowadays, such as UKM , University of Malaya , University Malaysia Sarawak, UNITAR and Multimedia University Malaysia. E-Learning is a learning process that is facilitated and enhanced by using digital tools such as CD-ROMs, video conferencing, websites, e-mail and many more, where the content and instruction is delivered electronically.

According to a recent survey by, Malaysia is currently ranked
among the top 20 highest number of Internet users in the World. This shows that ELearning
through the use of Internet will become increasingly more common in Malaysia
in the future. In terms of Malaysia’s E-Readiness in Southeast Asia, Malaysia just falls
behind Singapore and is currently at the embedding stage where :

1) there a general acceptance of ICT by citizens, business and government
2) Incorporation of e-business requirements into policies, legislations and regulations
3) Efforts taken to enhance international standing.

Currently, more universities are needed to cater the growing student population in Malaysia. Malaysia’s goal is to have 40% of the school leavers to enter higher education by 2020. However, it is a very high investment to build and maintain universities. As a result, one solution to this is through the creation of virtual universities or implementing
e-learning in universities and colleges. Currently, there are two virtual universities that are established in Malaysia. They are
UNITAR (University Tun Abdul Razak) and Open University of Malaysia. Both of these universities currently provide courses online mainly for and working adults.

Other universities that are using e-learning as a support technologies include
Universit Malaysia Sarawak and Multimedia University Malaysia. University Malaysia Sarawak came up with a plan of “setting up a virtual campus, which incorporates internal and
external elements e.g. subject, registration, appointment with lecturer and bulletin boards”.
Multimedia university on the other hand, have developed their multimedia learning system. “Multimedia Learning System (MMLS) is a web-based intelligent courseware delivery engine that utilizes multimedia to enhance the teaching and learning process. MMLS was developed with the underlying concept of a virtual teacher within a virtual classroom environment. The MMLS signifies the creation of an intelligent, interactive self-paced instructor-led, web-based teaching and learning tool.” Multimedia University Malaysia currently offers distance learning courses through e-learning.

E-learning has shown its great advantages through its accessibility to all students irrespective of their residence. E-classes help students to communicate with their tutors, get clarifications regarding their subjects and study and access teaching materials through e-libraries. Universities and colleges which provide online degrees involve more and more electronic facilities to give their online students fast and qualified assistance. Students’ interactions have become much easier than face-to-face communication!

Another advantage of e-learning is its time flexibility. One can get online resources, communicate with his tutor or class mates, send his query and write term paper at any time he can get access to the Internet.

E-learning or networked learning has been becoming more and more popular among students living in developing and undeveloped countries. They can afford getting higher education degrees at respectable universities and colleges by saving extra expenses for traveling, accommodation, food and high fees for tutors. E-learning can offer such students much easier and affordable way to get a good education and a prestige higher degree.

However, there are still a few disadvantages in e-learning which are enough obvious to be omitted in this article. Lack of face-to-face communication with teachers contributes lack of understanding between a student and a teacher. While a teacher cannot easily feel a student’s demands, interests and motivations, a student can simply be lazy being non-motivated enough and having free time schedule for his e-learning. This may result a low scope of the student’s knowledge and the teacher’s accusation in lack of proficiency. Next, online classes, conferences and discussions are limited in time and totally exclude emotional interactivity. Though some universities and colleges which provide online courses and give online degrees evolve voice communication through networking technologies there is still lack of gestures, vivid dialogue and feeling of your interlocutor’s presence.

E-learning as it looks today leaves so many questions and demands regarding its improvement as it gets benefits. However, its fast growing shows a great future for online degrees. One of the most influential things which stimulate e-learning development is globalization through the Internet. The globalized world of computer technologies accepts people of different cultures irrespective of their origin, boundaries, genders, races, ages and sexes. E-learning has become an integral part of this e-world and welcomes everybody who has willingness to learn and get higher education.

Review a local, transactional e-commerce site

Online shopping is very popular and easy nowadays. Especially in Malaysia, people are becoming lazier. In order to satisfy the lazy Malaysian, online shopping has become the future trend of business. So, what products are you looking for while you are shopping online? Clothes? Watches? Shoes? Hey, don't be so selfish! With, you can now have an alternative ways to buy stuff for your pets! is a Malaysian based online pet store dedicated to all pet owners especially cat and dog lovers. Here you can sit back and relax browsing or shopping online for your pets while spend quality time with them. No more hustle and bustle queuing up at shopping malls or the local pet store. is a retail pet store that offers range of quality products for pet owners. Currently, products available online includes pet bed, grooming tools, cat toys, cat tree and scratcher, dog toys, treats and products are being upgrading from time to time.

The site design and layout are well organized and attractive. The products sold are separated into different categories such as pet beds, pet carrier, pet feeders, pet toys and others. This enables the shopper to find the products needed easily. Moreover, the "shop by price" feature also allows the shopper to search products according to the price level. The site also provides shopping carts feature to assist shoppers on picking up selected products. Besides that, there is also a search engine available in the site so that the shoppers can search for the products they are looking for instantly.

"Shop By Price" feature

For the font colour and selection, although the font size is quite small, the words are still clearly visible. By using black font colour for main text, the product name and promotion price are using red fontcolour to attract shopper attention. The download speed is moderately quick and the navigation is simple and clear. There are four types of payment method: PayPal, Maybank2u, Visa and MasterCard. It is also a PayPal verified seller site that means high creditability and security of transaction with the site. There are also provided a space for the buyers to comment and post their reviews. From there, the shoppers can find out the details and information related to products sold.

"Review" feature

In overall, is a great e-commerce site as it has fulfilled several criterias for a typical "good" e-commerce site such as quick loading speed, user friendly navigation and site design, various types of products and so on. To survive in such a competitive business, has made it clear to be unique from other e-commerce site where online pet store is yet to be popular in Malaysia.
Reference sites:
  1. PayPal Verified Seller
  3. Super Pages -
Have a nice day!

Mobile payment systems in Malaysia: Its potentials and consumers' adoption strategies

Mobile payment is new and rapidly-adopting alternative payment method. Instead of paying by cheques or credit cards, a consumer can use a mobile phone to pay for wide range of services and goods. The payment can be made either to directly purchase or to authorize payment for goods and services. Such devices are playing an increasing end evolving role in the wider development of electronic payment systems around Asia Pacific, which includes Malaysia.

Malaysia's mobile payment market has developed more quickly, but less organically than other country such as Thai market. Emerging services have received government support, but uptake in the market has been limited. Existing services are focused predominantly on bill payment and m-banking, growing slowly into m-wallet services, remittance and top-up/transfer offerings.

One of the most popular mobile payment systems is the Mobile Money (MM Wallet). Mobile Money is a PIN-based Mobile Payment Solution designed to address the limitations and bottlenecks created by cash, cheques and credit cards. It unlocks the power of the mobile phone to make payments, allowing registered users to pay for goods and services at anytime, anywhere using only a mobile phone coupled with a 6-digit security PIN (Personal Identification Number) via SMS (Short Messaging Service). This gives the freedom to shoppers to buy products online and pay the merchant using his/her mobile phone without being physically present at the store.

After many years of trials and errors in developing the finest mobile payment system, Maxis Communications Bhd, in collaboration with Nokia, Visa, Maybank and Touch 'n Go, has announced the launch of Maxis FastTap - calling it an integrated mobile payment service that utilises Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. With the service, customers can use their Nokia 6216 Classic phones to purchase goods and services at more than 1,800 Visa payWave merchant locations as well as pay for toll, transit, parking and theme park charges at over 3,000 Touch 'n Go points nationwide.

There are two elements to NFC technology — a tag, which is inside the phone and can store data and transmit it wirelessly, and a reader, which can access the information stored on the tag. The appeal of contactless mobile payments for consumers is especially apparent in high-speed transaction environments like car parks, toll gates, bus and train terminals, cafés and fast-food outlets, newsagents, supermarkets and petrol stations. This technology will thus increasing the popularity of using mobile payment in Malaysia.

The San Francisco coffee outlet at KLCC is already equipped with the Visa payWave that allows for mobile payments via NFC

The potential for this market is quite big, because it is very convenient to use mobile payment. The mobile payment providers have a large market share to be grab on. This mobile payment is still new and developing in Malaysia. It has potential to continue to grow as consumer’s confidence on mobile payment increased. Mobile payment providers have most potential for growing.
To put it simple:
  1. Market still at developing stage
  2. Many mobile phone users
  3. Low competition
  1. Educate consumers about mobile payments, how to use and introduce its functions (e.g. bill payment, mobile purchase)
  2. Enhance security and confidence to mobile users
  3. Collaborate with more banks and companies to widen the ability to pay via mobile at the same time it helps to increased customer’s satisfaction and confidence
  4. Maintain customer’s loyalty
Here some useful reference websites:

  1. Maxis FastTap User Guide
  2. Maxis Launches FastTap NFC-based Mobile Payment Service
  3. Visa Rings In On Mobile Payment Space
  4. Mobile Money (MM) Overview

The application of pre-paid cash card for consumers

A prepaid cash card benefits consumers in their everyday life. This is mainly due to it allows consumers to purchase something even when they don’t have the cash to pay for it. The balance in the card will be subtracted each time the consumer uses it. You can always reload the card when the balance runs low by transferring money from your regular checking or savings account.

An example of prepaid cash card in our country, Malaysia...
Touch 'n Go card is an electronic purse that can be used at all highways in Malaysia, selected parking sites and theme park. The credit card size smartcard made of plastic with microchip technology embedded in it. User can continue using the card as long as it still having balance. Moreover, user can reload the card at toll plazas, train stations, Automated Teller Machines, Cash Deposit Machines, Petrol kiosks and at authorised third party outlets (e.g. 7-11 outlet).

Other than that, Touch 'n Go has extended its uses in e-tailing which is the selling of retail goods on the Internet. There are some outlets having privileges for customer who pay by using Touch 'n Go. It is a portable card and very convenient for users because users no longer need to prepare for small change or wait in queue at the cash lane to complete the transaction. The picture below shows the lane designed for Touch 'n Go user at every Plaza Tol in Malaysia.

Now, I'm going to introduce an example of pre-paid cash card of Hong Kong, which is Octopus Card .Hong Kong is estimated to have the highest percentage of trips made by public transit in the industrialized world (around 90%). Not only is their system easy to use, but it’s multifaceted: trains, boats, buses, subway, cable cars, and trolleys.

Hong Kongers use the card called the Octopus, which stores prepaid credit and dishes it out through a radio signal when swiped by a plate mounted to the cash box on buses or trolleys, or turnstiles in the subway stations. It works so well, you don’t even have to take the card out of your wallet or bag. Better yet, the card is good for more than just transit. It works at convenience stores, certain restaurants, and even vending machines.

Lastly, i would like to introduce a prepaid cash card used in Singapore, which is EZ Link card. The card is commonly used in Singapore as a smartcard for paying transportation fees in the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), Light Rail Transit (LRT) and public bus services. The card also serves as a supplementary identification and concession card for students in nationally recognised educational institutes and etc. The system has since been expanded, with EZ-Link cards being used for payments in Singapore branches of Mc Donald's. Some schools in Singapore have also started to adopt the EZ-Link card as a way to mark the attendance of students and to pay for food served within the school campus.

As many advantages stated above, are you ready to apply a PREPAID CASH CARD now ??

For more information, kindly log on to :

Credit Card debts: Causes and Prevention.

It is often the case that your mailbox is filled with a number of credit card debt settlement notices, or you may be plagued by collection calls, and if such is the case with you then you must be having debts that you are finding difficult to pay off, and the problem has been going on for some time

Credit card is a system of payment named after the small plastic card issued to users of the system. In the case of credit cards, the issuer lends money to the consumer (or the user) to be paid later to the merchant. It allows the consumer to 'revolve' their balance, at the cost of having interest charged. However, it can lead to a big amount of debts or bankruptcy for the users or consumers.
There are several causes made the debt of cardholder become bigger and bigger.First of all ,the users might just keep on swapping the credit card unlimited because they don't have to pay the money on the spot. They didn't see where the money flows so they won't feel anything as long as they still have cash in their wallet. Some of them may hold 3 or 4 credit cards at the same time too. When there is due date, those users only pay the interest and the minimum amount of principal; they never fully pay for the amount. Finally, the poor money management and their self-attitudes will lead them to the pool of liabilities.

Besides that, the users might have to pay a big amount for medical expenses, deposits for buying cars or houses,thus they have to pay by using credit cards an owe money to the bank. Sometimes, the credit card debts may be caused by the internet threats such as phishing, malicious software, hacking and more. Due to the personal information, credit card number and the password have been stolen; the owners are liable for the bills which have been misused under their account

Prevention are as follow:

1. Photocopy the credit card offer, including the interest rate and terms. Create a letter to your credit card company/companies stating that you are thinking of switching to their competition because they are offering a far more reasonable interest rate. Credit card companies do not want to lose your business. Nine times out of ten they will match or even offer a lower rate than the competition has offered.

2. If you can afford it, pay double the minimum payment. The minimum payment usually pays just enough to cover the interest and a little more that pays down the balance. Paying extra will pay your balance more quickly.

3. Pay off smaller balances first. It is common for a person to try to focus on their cards with larger balances first. Pay off the smaller ones. It will take less time and you will feel a sense of satisfaction when you have actually completed your goal. This will boost your confidence and make it easier to tackle the higher balances.

4. Cut up your cards so that you are not tempted to use them. Save one card for emergencies.

5. If you have equity in your home, look into paying off credit card debt with a refinance or fixed-rate home equity loan. Do not use a home equity line of credit, the rates will rise as the prime rises and suddenly you may find it impossible to keep up with your bills.